
Mistake of the Month: Don’t get double vision

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Okens Domains

When choosing your domain, there is always a lot to consider. You have to consider your expansion globally, ensure your brand is secure, and consider cybersquatting and the threats of domain name hijacking.

In this month’s mistake of the month, we are going down a rabbit hole to discuss the threats of domain name spellings and why you should not use double letters or domain names with double meanings.

Steer clear of double letters

People are in a hurry and when they are looking for a domain, domain names that have double letters like ss or tt confuse how the domain is typed and processed in the brain. For instance, domains like ‘Amysscents’ or ‘smartteam’ leave users unsure if it’s one S or two.

In fact, people are more likely to mis-spell your domain name when you use double letters. It may seem like a small thing, but this can cost valuable traffic and loss of revenue.

Best tip: Avoid consecutive double letters in your domain name. Focus on a domain name that fits your brand without any potential user spelling issues or non-traditional spellings of your domain name like ‘jewlz’ for jewls.

Avoid double meanings

The digital world is a big place and a word in one country might not have the same meaning in another country. So, it is important to be sure that you aren’t using a word that has a double or different meaning that could trigger unintended or worse, inappropriate meaning for your domain name.

A great example is a domain that uses two words that could mean different things depending on the reader. A domain name like could really mean ‘it’s scrap’ but it could also be read as it’s crap – which we can all agree is not great for any brand.

Best tip: Check your domain names for any double meanings. If you are unsure, crowdsource the domain with 10 employees to see what they see in the name. If it comes up negative or misinterpreted, you know that it won’t work as a domain.

Your domain name is a vital part of your brand – it’s that first impression that counts. Choose a domain name that supports your brand, but make it easy for your customers to remember.

Don’t have time for all of that? – Let Okens brainstorm and check availability for you.


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OI – Okens Insights is a monthly, perfectly curated and short newsletter with tips on how to secure your brand online with the latest domain trends that can help you protect your digital territory. Subscribe to OI.

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OI - Okens Insights is a monthly, perfectly curated newsletter with the latest domain trends that can help you defend your digital territory and protect your brand online.

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