How To, Insight

#2 Mistake – My Unused Domain Has No Value

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Remember when you bought a set of domains to protect your brand as it grows? You were so proud of yourself – planned for your most important digital asset. Years have passed, and you haven’t used them, so you think they have no value.

Think again! Your unused domains have value.

Sometimes, our need for a domain or set of domains is no longer relevant; some customers leave them to expire, and others try to resell them via third parties. But here’s the thing: If you think that your domain or domains have no value 90% of the time, it is because there was no consideration given to the value of those domains when you acquired them.

You know what happens? It becomes a bargain for the buyer, but you just give money away. In some cases, we’ve even seen domain holders try to buy back their old domains later because they altered their business model or expanded faster than expected. We see this mistake frequently repeated despite our hand-waving.

Our best advice is to think twice about letting a good domain expire. It may be better to hang on to it, so think long-term rather than short-term. And if the financials are an issue, have a chat with us about possible domain parking solutions.

If you want to let them go after or see their value or lack of value, Okens Domains can help you assess their value. And here’s the really good part for you — it doesn’t matter which domain registration company those domains are with; we will help you sell them and reduce your time worrying about whether you did the right thing.

Stay tuned for the next story in March for our Mistake of the Month series. In the meantime visit to learn how we can help.


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OI – Okens Insights is a monthly, perfectly curated and short newsletter with tips on how to secure your brand online with the latest domain trends that can help you protect your digital territory. Subscribe to OI.

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OI - Okens Insights is a monthly, perfectly curated newsletter with the latest domain trends that can help you defend your digital territory and protect your brand online.

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